
How do ecosystems change?

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  • 6. Do you think the tree in the pictures makes food during the winter?
    No. The tree cant make food without its leaves.
  • 7. What generalization can you make about ecosystems based on Mount ST. Helens?
    Ecosystems can recover from large changes.
  • 5. Explain the terms hibernation and migration?
    Hibernate. Migration: Bats hibernate during winter.
  • 10. Describe two ways a forest fire can be helpful to plants.
    A fire cab clear the forests floor, opening up spaces for plants to grow. ash from fire improves the soil.
  • 1. Find a cause and an affect in the text.
    cause: A tree in a storm. Effect: Seedlings on the forest floor have a change grow.
  • 8. Why do you think plants returned to Mount ST. Helens before insects and other animals did?
    Insects and other animals need plants for food.
  • 2. What is one positive effect of the changes groundhogs cause? what is a negative effect?
    Positive effect: Groundhogs mix soil as they dig. this helps plans. Negative effect: Ground hogs can damage crops.
  • 4. In some areas, forest rangers start forest fires on purpose. Why do you think they might do this?
    To help clear the forests of dead wood so new trees can grow.
  • 3. What are four things in the text that can change ecosystems?
    Hurricanes, fires, floods, droughts.
  • 9. Give an example of how an animal can cause a change in an ecosystem that harms other living things.
    When a beaver builds a dam, it can cause a pond to form. The pond may flood animals homes.