
Matter 6th grade

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  • Can you describe what happens during the oxidation of a half eaten apple.
    Students own answer
  • How can we separate an insoluble solid from a mixture? and give an example
    Filtration. Soil/coffee can be filtered from water
  • Can we reverse the effects of a chemical reaction?
  • Wha special fungus is sometimes added to cheese to make it softer?
  • Can we separate a chemically combined mixture?
  • Give an example of a solution and it's different parts.
    Students own answer
  • Explain what happens in the fermentation process of yeast.
    yeast consumes sugar and converts it into alcohol and carbon dioxide
  • What is a heterogeneous mixture and give an example
    A mixture that has a varied colour and texture ex. a salad
  • How can we prevent iron from rusting?
    By painting it.
  • What is a solution? Name the different parts.
    Is a mixture of one or more liquids with one or more other substances. Solute and solvent.
  • What is a pure substance?
    A pure substance is made up of one type of molecule.
  • Name three types of separation techniques.
    Filtration, evaporation and distillation
  • Is fermentation a physical or chemical change?
    A chemical change
  • What is oxidation?
    It is a chemical reaction in which an atom loses one or more electrons to another atom.
  • Can you think of an example where browning in fruit is desirable?
    Turning grapes to raisins.
  • What is yeast?
    It's a microscopic unicellular fungus
  • How can we separate a liquid from a solution or two liquids? Give an example.
    Distillation. Alcohol from water.
  • What three things do you need for combustion to take place?
    Oxygen, heat and fuel
  • What happens to a car when it starts to rust?
    It turns orange/red and becomes brittle.
  • Name two types of mixtures
    Homegeneous and heterogeneous
  • What type of reaction produced thermal energy?
    An exothermic reaction
  • How can we seperate sand from sugar?
    Filtration and evaporation
  • Give 3 examples of problems caused by combustion.
    Global warming, respiratory illnesses and acid rain.
  • Give three examples of combustion use in our everyday lives.
    Students own answers
  • What three things can be used for fermentation?
    Yeast, bacteria and microorganisms,
  • What is a homogeneous mixture and give an example
    Mixtures that have a consistent colour and texture ex. chocolate etc
  • Name three things that can be made by fermentation.
    Students own answers
  • How can we seperate a soluble solid from a solution and give an example?
    Evaporation. Salt from salt water through the heat from the sun.
  • What do we call the oxidation of iron?