
Summertime Would You Rather Questions

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  • Would you rather go on a long hike without any shoes or socks, OR spend all day at the beach wearing your winter coat?
  • Would you rather go to Disney World for a week, but have it rain every day you were there, OR stay home, but have it be beautiful and sunny all week?
  • Would you rather earn extra money by having a lemonade stand, OR by doing yard work?
  • Would you rather spend the summer traveling and camping with your family, or spend the summer at a really awesome summer camp with lots of fun activities?
  • Would you rather get to choose which teacher(s) you will have next year, OR get to choose all the students in your class(es) next year?
  • Would you rather go to the beach, but forget your towel, OR go to the beach, but forget your sunscreen?
  • Would you rather have only vanilla ice cream as much as you want this summer, OR have any flavor of ice cream you want only 3 times this summer?
  • Would you rather work as a lifeguard, OR at a carnival/theme park?
  • Would you rather watch a fireworks show with your family, OR be able to plan a fireworks show for everyone to watch?
  • Would you rather be in a Fourth of July parade, or host a Fourth of July party at your house?
  • Would you rather have a student from another country come stay with your family for the summer, OR go to another country and stay with a family there for the summer?
  • Would you rather have to wear your swimsuit to school on the last day of school, or have to carry around a large opened beach umbrella on the last day of school?
  • Would you rather spend every day of the summer at the pool, OR at the beach?
  • Would you rather get a brand new bicycle, OR get a new outfit every day all summer?
  • Would you rather have your whole body turn bright blue whenever you get wet, OR have your hair turn neon green whenever you are in the sunlight?
  • Would you rather get stung by 3 bees, OR get a really bad sunburn?
  • Would you rather have to repeat the grade you just finished, OR have to skip a grade?
  • Would you rather give your teacher a report card grading her that the principal will see, or write your own report card about how you did?