
Wilson Reader 1 Review

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  • Read: Was that a buck on the path?
    Was that a buck on the path?
  • What is the keyword for the welded sound /am/?
  • /S/ is a digraph. True or False
    False /S/ is a consonant
  • Correctly tap the word /fall/
    /f/ /all/ (2 taps)
  • Read: Get the dishes and the cups from the top of the rack.
    Get the dishes and the cups from the top of the rack.
  • What is the keyword for the welded sound /all/?
  • /hill/ has a bonus letter. True or False
    True. Bonus letter /l/
  • Read: Shut off the bell and go into the hall.
    Shut off the bell and go into the hall.
  • Read: Ed got bad jet lag and had to nap.
    Ed got bad jet lag and had to nap.
  • Read: The sum on the tab was a shock!
    The sum on the tab was a shock!
  • Name the 5 digraphs learned in Reader 1
    sh, wh, ch, th, ck
  • What is the keyword for the welded sound /an/?
  • Read: goss, vash, choz, tezz, miff, roff
    goss, vash, choz, tezz, miff, roff
  • How many sounds are in the word /buzz/?
  • /ch/ is a welded sound. True or False
    False. /ch/ is a digraph, two consonants that make one sound
  • /mall/ has a welded sound. True or False
    True. /all/ in /mall/ is a welded sound
  • what is the "buddy" letter in the word /quack/?
    /u/ is the buddy letter
  • /mat/ has a welded sound. True or False
  • Would you add suffix /-s/ or /-es/ to the word mix to make it plural?
    /-es/ mixes
  • Does the word /sun/ have a suffix?