
Food Issues

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  • British people _____ a total of about £2.8 billion a year on savoury snacks. (spend)
    are spending
  • Some schools _____ snack vending machines. (ban)
    have banned
  • TRUE OR FALSE: There was a competition in the UK to find new tastes for Crisps
  • Some of the most popular flavours _____ cheese and onion and salt and vinegar. (include)
  • A recent survey _____ that 64 per cent of under-20-year-olds snack between meals. (discover)
    has discovered
  • TRUE OR FALSE: British people eat fewer snacks than other Europeans.
  • If you go to any newsagent’s shop in the UK, you _____ a huge selection of chocolate bars on sale. (see)
    will see
  • TRUE OR FALSE: All schools have machines that sell unhealthy snacks.
  • TRUE OR FALSE: Crisps are usually made from potatoes.
  • One opinion is that young people _____ by a ban on junk food advertising. (should protect, should be protected)
    should be protected
  • The winning flavour _____ by Emma Rushin. (suggest)
    was suggested
  • TRUE OR FALSE: You can buy chocolate at a news agent’s in Britain.
  • TRUE OR FALSE: The winner of the ‘Do us a flavour’ was squirrel flavour.
  • One brand of chocolate bar recently _____ people to try four new flavours of a chocolate and then vote on Facebook for their favourite. (ask)
  • A crisp-making company held a competition recently. The competition _____ ‘Do us a flavour’. (call)
    was called
  • The bar with the most votes _____ to their range. (will permanently add, will be permanently added))
    will be permanently added