
Solving Inequalities

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  • Solve, then graph the inequality.
    x>= 7
  • Write an inequality for the graph.
    x is greater than or equal to 5
  • Answer the following problem.
  • Answer the following problem.
    a is greater than -8
  • Write an inequality.
    x is greater than or equal to 985
  • Answer the following problem.
    x is less than or equal to -5
  • Answer the following problem.
    -14, -12, -10
  • Answer the following problem.
    y < -14 Graph: open closed shaded to the left
  • Solve, then graph the inequality.
  • Answer the following problem.
  • Answer the following problem.
    -8, -9, -10
  • Solve.
    x is less than or equal to -24
  • Write the inequality for the graph.
  • Solve.
    Let x = # of additional people Inequality: x is less than or equal to 29