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  • The baker needs more BATTER for the wedding cake.
    mixture of flour, eggs and sugar used in baking
  • John did a FINE job on his science project.
    very good
  • I SPOKE to my teacher after class.
    past tense of speak; talked with
  • John will TRAIN his dog to roll over.
  • Robin Hood shot the arrow with his BOW.
    a weapon that shoots arrows
  • The lawyer wore a suit and TIE.
    accessory worn around your neck
  • He plans to SKIP the wedding.
    not go; not attend
  • You should chew your food before you SWALLOW.
    cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat
  • The dog PANTS when he gets too hot.
    breathe hard, tongue hanging out
  • If you don't leave now you will MISS the bus.
    be too late to catch it
  • We will take the TRAIN to California.
    vehicle that runs on track
  • My dog is always good COMPANY.
    companion; friend
  • Amazon is a large COMPANY.
    commercial business
  • My mom served PUNCH at the birthday party.
    mixture of fruit juice/soda
  • I saw a SWALLOW flying over my house.
    a small bird
  • I am missing a SPOKE on the front tire of my bike.
    a piece of metal inside the wheel of a bike or motorcycle
  • Mom said, "I will MISS you when you leave for college".
    feel sad that you are not here
  • The BATTER hit a home run.
    the person batting in a baseball game
  • The buffalo roam the western PLAIN.
    flat land
  • The broken bones need to FUSE back together.
    join; form together as one
  • He will wear a SUIT to the wedding.
    clothing that has matching jacket and pants.
  • There is always a traffic JAM on my way home from work.
    stuck; unable to move
  • My brother showed me how to TIE my shoes.
    join laces together in a knot/bow
  • The boxer will PUNCH his opponent.
    hit with a fist
  •  I get a COLD every winter.
    sickness; sneezing and coughing
  • My teacher made me sit in the first ROW of seat.
    a single line
  • I like to SKIP rope with my friends.
    jump rope
  • It is always COLD in the winter.
    opposite of hot; freezing; frigid
  • Rob put JAM on his toast.
    spread made out of fruit
  • That hairstyle really SUITS her.
    looks good on; is attractive
  • You need strong arms to ROW a boat.
    use oars to move a boat
  • There was a red BOW on the present.
    a tied decoration made out of ribbon
  • If you are caught speeding, you will get a FINE.
    payment for breaking a law
  • He plugged too much into the outlet and blew a FUSE.
    part of an electrical circuit
  • Mandy wore a PLAIN outfit to the dance.
    ordinary; simple
  • MISS Smith was my favorite teacher.
    title for a single woman
  • He put a big hole in his new PANTS.