
New Tiger 5 Unit 7 Clothes Vocab

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  • These aren't shorts but they're short trousers. What are they?
    They're cropped trousers.
  • This is for women and girls (and men and boys too if they like!). It can be long or short. What is it?
    It's a dress.
  • You wear this with jeans or a skirt. It can be any shape or colour. What is it?
    It's a top.
  • This has got buttons, a collar and short sleeves. What is it?
    It's a short-sleeved shirt.
  • What are they?
    They're trainers.
  • What is it? It's .... ....
    It's a dress.
  • What are they?
    They are cropped trousers.
  • You can wear this instead of a jumper. It keeps you warm. What is it?
    It's a fleece.
  • This is a type of hat. It's popular in the summer. What is it?
    It's a cap.
  • What is it? It's .... ....
    It's a fleece
  • What is it?
    It's a top.
  • What is it? It's .... ....
    It's a jacket.
  • What is it?
    It's a cap.
  • What is it?
    It's a long-sleeved T-shirt.
  • They're blue denim trousers. They're very popular. What are they?
    They're jeans.
  • What is it?
    It's a short-sleeved shirt.
  • What are they?
    They are sandals.
  • You wear these in summer without socks. What are they?
    They're sandals.
  • What are they? They .... ....
    They're jeans.
  • They're comfortable shoes for sport. What are they?
    They're trainers.
  • This is like a coat but it's shorter. It keeps you warm. What is it?
    It's a jacket.