
Idiom Review

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  • Lucky break means...
    You get a lucky chance, a lucky event happens
  • It's written in the stars means...
    It's fate, it's destiny
  • He's/She's no angel means...
    That person behaves badly
  • Good things come in small packages means...
    A present doesn't have to be big to be good
  • Go green means...
    To do helpful things for the environment (ex: recycle, take public transportation, carpool)
  • Bah humbug means...
    Someone who doesn't like the holidays
  • Food coma means...
    You ate so much you feel sleepy
  • To pass with flying colors means....
    You did really well, to pass with EXCELLENT results
  • Let's talk turkey means...
    Let's talk seriously
  • To draw a blank means...
    You forgot
  • Count your blessings means...
    Being grateful for what you have, thinking about what you're grateful for
  • Eager beaver means...
    You're motivated and hardworking