
phrasal verbs in sentences

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  • An emergency like this CALLS FOR some pretty drastic action.
  • We ASKED them AROUND for dinner.
    Invite someone.
  • She CAME TO an hour after the operation.
    Become conscious, wake up from anaesthetic.
  • She ZONED OUT during the lecture because it was so boring.
    Not pay attention.
  • They ACTED OUT the story on stage.
    Perform something with actions and gestures..
  • The truth only DAWNED ON me much later.
    Finally realise or understand something.
  • The rest of the staff BACKED her UP when she complained about working conditions.
  • I was so nervous in the interview that I just BLANKED OUT and couldn't answer their questions properly.
    Have a temporary memory failure.
  • I ZONKED OUT during the film and missed most of it.
    Fall asleep.
  • The police told the crowd to KEEP BACK from the fire.
    Maintain a safe distance.
  • He had his dog PUT DOWN because it was in a lot of pain from its tumours.
    Kill an animal because it's old, ill, etc..
  • We're completely SNOWED UNDER at work because it's the end of the tax year.
    Have too much work.
  • She didn't want to let me go, but I finally managed to TALK her INTO it.
    Persuade someone to do something.
  • The movie was a bit boring and I DOZED OFF halfway through.
  • I didn't really agree, but I WENT ALONG WITH the decision because I was in the minority.
    Accept a decision or suggestion.
  • I WAS TAKEN ABACK when I saw him because he's lost all his hair.
    Be shocked or surprised.
  • He BACKED OUT two days before the holiday so we gave the ticket to his sister
    Fail to keep an arrangement or promise.
  • She's not CUT OUT FOR this kind of work.
    Be suitable, have the necessary qualities.
  • The last notes DIED AWAY/ DOWN and the audience burst into applause.
    Become quieter or inaudible (of a sound).
  • Are you sure you're going? I'll get your coats and SEE you OUT.
    Accompany a guest to your front door when they are leaving your house.
  • He BOSSES everyone AROUND.
    Use excessive authority to control people.
  • They had to ACCOUNT FOR all the money that had gone missing.
  • He's the kind of manager who will always STAND UP FOR his staff.
    Defend, support.
  • They FELL OUT over the decision and hardly speak to each other any more.
    Argue and be on bad terms with someone.
  • As we were in the area, we CALLED ON/ ROUND my sister-in-law.
  • I was really PUT OFF by the way he eats with his mouth open.
    Stop liking something or somebody, discouraged
  • The box FELL APART when I picked it up.
    Break into pieces.
  • I AM FED UP of his complaints.
    Be bored, upset or sick of something.
  • Everybody CHIPPED IN to pay the bill.
    Contribute some money.
  • I must BAIL my drunken brother OUT OF jail.
    Pay a bond to release someone from jail.
  • The children are really WINDING me UP
    Irritate someone or increase their stress level, especially if done deliberately.
  • Thieves GOT AWAY WITH two Picassos, which were never found.
    Not get caught, criticised or punished for doing something wrong.
  • He BLACKED OUT and collapsed on the floor.
    Fall unconscious.
  • I'm going home to CATCH UP ON my sleep.
    Do something that should have been done earlier.
  • The police told the protesters to BACK OFF.
  • The reporters eventually DUG UP the truth about the affair.
    Find something that is supposed to be secret.