
Vocabulary game - Bank robberies

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  • One of the offices or parts of a large business organization.
    a branch
  • Money in the form of notes (bills) and coins.
  • The act of entering a place by force in order to discover drugs and drug dealers.
    a drug raid
  • Rewarded or honoured by being given something, especially a medal.
  • A room with thick walls and a strong door, used to store money or valuable things.
    a vault
  • To give up, or to stop fighting and accept defeat.
    to surrender
  • A person believed to have committed a crime or done something wrong.
    a suspect
  • Without money.
  • A crime, especially stealing, committed by someone in the place where they work.
    An inside job
  • A covering of artificial hair worn on the head to hide a loss of hair or to cover your own hair.
    a wig
  • A vehicle with either two or four wheels that is pushed by a person used for carrying goods.
    a cart
  • Someone who is paid to work for someone else.
    an employee
  • Great courage.
  • The government department that examines certain crimes against federal law in the USA.
  • To deceive or trick someone.
    to hoodwink
  • When you don´t know who committed the crime, the case is still ……..
  • The ability to do something at exactly the right time.
  • A piece of paper money.
    a bill
  • Not taking or showing enough care and attention.
  • The crime of stealing from somewhere.
    a robbery
  • Difficult to believe, or unlikely.
  • Something that helps to prove that someone committed the crime.
  • A person who steals (in general).
    A thief
  • A sign or some information that helps you to find the answer to a problem, question, or mystery.
    a clue