
The Outsiders novel review

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  • What are Johnny's final words before he dies?
    "Stay gold"
  • Which character gives a telephone number to Two-Bit?
  • What does Johnny buy for Ponyboy and himself to eat while they hide in the church?
    baloney, bread, and candy
  • Which famous actor does Ponyboy mention in the first line of his essay?
    Paul Newman
  • In the letter Johnny writes Ponyboy, what does he say is the meaning of the poem?
    Ponyboy should stay innocent and not let himself become hard and cold like Dally.
  • Which two people start the rumble at the end of the book?
    Darry and Paul
  • Who convinces Ponyboy to turn his life experience into an autobiography?
    His English teacher, Mr. Syme
  • Why does Ponyboy get upset with Randy when he comes to visit before the trial?
    Because Randy mentions that Johnny killed Bob
  • Which member of the Soc gang realizes how pointless it is for the gangs to fight each other?
  • Why does Cherry say she doesn't want to see Dally again after the drive-in??
    She might fall in love with him!
  • The abandoned church that Ponyboy and Johnny hide out in is in the town of ___________.
  • Who is the second youngest member of the Greasers?
  • What does Dally give Johnny and Ponyboy after Bob is killed? 
    $50, a gun, clothes, and a plan
  • What does Ponyboy threaten the Socs with when they approach him at the convenience store?
    A broken bottle
  • Who said the following? "Things are rough all over."
  • What does Johnny ask Ponyboy to tell Dally in the letter?
    Look at the sunset. Appreciate the goodness in the world.
  • Who does Johnny refuse to see in the hospital?
    his mother
  • What is the name of Sodapop's girlfriend?
  • Why did Darry slap Ponyboy?
    He stayed out too late.
  • What parenting mistake did Randy think Bob's parents made?
    They didn't say no.
  • What does Darry do as a job?
    Roofs houses
  • Why did Cherry and Marcia tell their boyfriends to leave the movie theatre?
    They were drunk.
  • What is the name of Sodapop's horse?
    Mickey Mouse
  • Which character only cares about Johnny and not anyone else?