
Volume of Pyramids and Prisms

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  • What does the capital B in the volume equation stand for?
    Area of the base
  • Find the volume.
    1733.3 cubic meters
  • Find the volume.
    1069.9 millimeters cubed
  • Solve for the height.
    36 in
  • Find the volume.
    14.1 cubic centimeters
  • Solve the problem
    The cylinder holds about 6.2 cubic inches more
  • Find the volume.
    48 cubic meters
  • Solve for the height.
    3 m
  • Find the volume.
    37,680 cubic millimeters
  • Why is volume given in cubic units?
    You are multiplying three dimensions (length, width, height)
  • What is the difference between volume and surface area?
    Volume measures how much a shape can hold and surface area tells how much material makes up the outside of the shape.
  • Solve the problem.
    1800 L
  • What is the formula for the volume of a prism?
  • Find the volume.
    324 cubic inches
  • Draw the shapes and show your work.
    Answers will vary.
  • What is the formula for the volume of a pyramid?
    V= (bh)/3