
Noun clauses

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  • When our team lost we were so disappointed. (Everybody is really disappointed...)
    Everybody is really disappointed (that) the team lost.
  • It's uncertain whether they will arrive on time. (Whether or not they'll arrive...)
    Whether or not they'll arrive on time is questionable/ debatable/ uncertain.
  • What would stop her from taking the job? (We will never understand...)
    We will never understand why she didn't take the job.
  • What is the name of the new head of department? (I don't know what the...)
    I don't know what the name of the new head of department is/ what the new head of department is called.
  • It's fantastic to hear you succeeding in getting that job. (That you managed to get...)
    That you managed to get that job is fantastic.
  • I'm afraid I can't take tomorrow off. (It's impossible for me...)
    It's impossible for me to take the day off tomorrow.
  • Her main worry was failing her driving test again. (She feared that...)
    She feared that she'd fail her driving test again.
  • He suddenly realised there was no point in staying on. (It suddenly struck him that...)
    It suddenly struck him that staying on was pointless.
  • We were all surprised by Jane's news. (What Jane said...)
    What Jane said surprised us all
  • If you want to meet people , why not take evening classes? (Taking evening classes...)
    Taking evening classes is a great way to meet people.
  • I'm pretty sure most people would like to have more free time. (Don't most people wish...)
    Don't most people wish they had more free time?
  • If there's one thing my aunt loves, it's being taken out for dinner. ( My aunt loves...)
    My aunt loves being taken out for dinner.
  • Which route should I take to get to the airport? (I wonder which route...)
    I wonder which route I should take to get to the airport.
  • That last soloist has real talent. (Whoever played that...)
    Whoever played that last solo is really talented.
  • I've had indigestion ever since eating dinner. ( What I had...)
    What I had for dinner has given me indigestion
  • I felt so encouraged by my friends' comments. (What my friends said...)
    What my friends said was so encouraging.
  • Pets do make for great companions. (The wonderful thing about pets is that they keep...)
    The wonderful thing about pets is that they keep you company.
  • John was spotted trying to leave the party. ( John's plan to leave the party unnoticed...)
    John's plan to leave the party unnoticed failed/ didn't work/ didn't go to plan.