
Shavuot & more

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  • Why did G-d choose mount Sinai for giving the Torah?
    Because it was modest
  • Sing a song for Shavuot
    Salenu or chag Shavuot or other
  • How many days are there between Pesach and Shavuot?
  • What are bikurim?
    The first fruits - collected in baskets and given to the temple many many years ago.
  • What are 7 minim (species)?
    Wheat (Hita), Barley (se'ora), Rimon (pomegranate), Gefen (grapes), Te'ena (fig), Zayit (olives), tamar (dates)
  • What special food is eaten on Shavuot?
    Dairy (cheese cake, ice cream, etc.)
  • What are 3 most important Jewish holidays from the Torah?
    Pesach, Sukkot Shavout
  • What Megila is read on Shavuot?
  • What is the name of the Mountain that the Torah was given on?
  • What happened to mount Sinai when Jews got the Torah?
    It covered with flowers
  • What does the word Shavuot/Shavua mean?
  • What other names are there for this holiday
    Zman Matan Torah, Chag Hakaztir, Chag HaBikurim
  • what special things might you wear for shavuot?
    White clothing and flowers on your head.