
Literary Essay Quiz Review

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  • Give an example of each of the three transitional words/ phrases you might find in a body paragraph.
    Answers May Vary. (Example: First... According to the text... This clearly shows...)
  • How many pieces of evidence should you include in your essay?
    You should have 3 pieces of evidence.
  • How long should the summary be in the opening/Introductory paragraph of your Literary Essay?
    No more than 3 sentences.
  • In which part of an essay would you use the transitional phrase "The author stated"?
    Cite evidence from the text
  • What writing strategy do we use to help us remember all the basic parts of an essay?
  • What are all the basic components that should be included in the opening paragraph of a literary essay? (Must be in the correct order)
    Hook, Bridge, Summary, Claim
  • Fill in the Blank: Your entire essay should always reference/tie back to the ________.
  • What is a "claim"?
    A claim is your answer to the given prompt. It is the focus of your entire essay.
  • What is the purpose of the "So What" in a literary essay?
    To summarize the essay's key points and connect your essay to the reader letting them know why it matters.
  • What is the purpose of the "bridge" in a literary essay?
    1. One sentence or just part of a sentence that ties your hook to the summary and it identifies the author & title
  • In which part of an essay would you use the transitional phrase "In the final analysis"?
    Closing Paragraph
  • What are two different ways you can "hook" your reader to grab their attention?
    1. Use an analogy or metaphor 2. Use a famous quote 3. Use a shocking statement 4. Ask a question others can relate to
  • How should you begin each body paragraph before you mention evidence from the text?
    You should begin each body paragraph with a transitional topic sentence. (Transition word/phrase + Topic Sentence)
  • How long should a 5th grade written response be?
    5 paragraphs
  • What are the two different ways to cite evidence?
    You can use a direct quote. (Author's Words copied word for word.) or you can paraphrase by citing evidence in your own words.
  • What are all the basic components that should be included in the closing paragraph of a literary essay? (Must be in the correct order)
    Restated Claim, So What, Lingering Thought/Kicker
  • In which part of an essay would you use the transitional phrase "This evidence highlights"?
    Explain how the evidence connects to the claim
  • When writing a literary essay, what are some words or phrases you NEVER want to use? Name at least 3.
    1. I, me, my 2. I think 3. I feel 4. I know this because