
C1 Idioms

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  • Do you usually wait until the last minute to finish your assignments, or do you do them ahead of time?
  • Agree or disagree: sometimes the only way to get what you want is by playing hardball.
  • Tell us about something you only do once in a blue moon. Why don't you do this activity more often?
  • Has anyone stuck his/her neck out for you recently? What did he or she do?
  • Have you ever witnessed somebody fly off the handle for no reason? Did he/she apologize after the incident?
  • Is there anything difficult you're doing now that will be worth it in the long run? Tell us about it.
  • Tell us about something you (or your team, organization, company) knocked out of the park. How did you feel afterwards?
  • Is there anything you're on the fence about right now? What are the pros and the cons of each option?
  • Do you know anyone who has come a long way? Where did this person start out? What is he/she doing now?
  • Have you ever been in the right place at the right time? Have you ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time?
  • Has anyone ever told you something that made your day? What was it?
  • Tell us about a time someone was going to do something but you talked him/her out of it. Did you help the person make the correct decision?
  • Tell us about a scandal that had people in your country up in arms.
  • Tell us about an opportunity that you didn't let slip through your fingers. What would your life be like if you hadn't taken advantage of this opportunity?
  • Tell us about something you're okay with for the time being but that you would eventually like to change.
  • Tell us about someone old fashioned who needs to get with the times. What makes this person old fashioned?
  • Tell us about a time a friend helped you out of a tight spot. Did you return the favor?
  • Tell us about a negotiation in which you clearly had the upper hand. Why did you have the advantage?
  • Has your government ever had a plan that had disaster written all over it? Did most people think that the plan would work? What was the end result?
  • Tell us about a time you bent over backwards for someone but it wasn't enough.
  • Tell us about a time you felt like a fish out of water. Why was the situation so uncomfortable or unfamiliar?
  • Tell us about a time you had your heart set on something that you ended up not getting. How did you feel?
  • Do you normally have time to kill or are you typically pressed for time? Explain.
  • Do you normally get butterflies in your stomach when you have to speak in front of a group?