
English File Intermediate 9b

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  • shops many There here. aren't good
    There aren´t many good shops here.
  • There aren't... (much/many/a lot).....restaurants in my town.
  • 'Do you want some wine?' 'Just..... (plenty/little/a little)
    a little
  • I hate winter here. It's..... (too cold/al ot cold/cold enough)
    too cold
  • There are.....(enough/lot of/a lot of)..... high mountains in Scotland.
    a lot of
  • We watch television..... (a lot/a lot of/plenty)..... in the evenings.
    a lot
  • I don't practise my English... (enough often/often enough/a lot of)
    often enough
  • a Jess lot. swimming goes
    Jess goes swimming a lot.
  • people my too There are in class. many
    There are too many people in my class.
  • wine There enough everyone. for isn't
    There isn´t enough wine for everyone.
  • good got friends. I've few a
    I´ve got a few good friends.
  • our luggage. room for There's no
    There´s no room for our luggage.