
Modal Auxiliary verbs

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  • It'll be a miracle if we get to the airport on time, but we ... just make it.
    should, might, may, could
  • That's ... Roberta's mother. She looks way too younger.
  • David ... be happy that the Cowboys won today. He's a big fan.
    will - must - should
  • It... be San Francisco in the background of that photo. That's definitely the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • You... make sure that painting's genuine before buying it. There are some very good fakes around.
    should, must
  • There .... be huge traffic jams on this freeway some days, but it's usually fine.
  • It ... rain later. The forecast said there was a 50% chance.
    might, may, could
  • Janice... be upset that she's been downsized. She was going to leave anyway.
    won't, can't