
P3 Unit 4.4 Reading

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  • Why in Understorey there aren't many plants?
    Because, plants need light to live.
  • Which part of rainforest is dark and there aren't many plants?
  • What is the weather like in rainforests?
    warm and wet
  • How many parts do rainforests have?
    4 parts. Emergent, Canopy, Understorey and Forest floor
  • Where the rainforests located?
    In the Equador- Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Australia
  • What is the bottom part of the rainforest called?
    Forest floor
  • Which part of rainforest do snakes, lizards and jaguars live in?
  • Which part of rainforest do large animals and spiders live in?
    Forest floor
  • Which part of rainforest do birds, butterflies and insects live in?
  • Which part of rainforest do birds, spiders, tree frogs, monkeys and snakes live in?
  • Which part of rainforest do some people live in?
    Forest floor
  • Are there any rainforests in the Arctic?
    No there aren't.
  • Rainforests are homes for what?
    animals and plants
  • What do people need to breathe?
  • People need______ to live, Plants need ______ to live.
    Oxygen, light