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  • What does the phrase "You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach" mean in Portuguese?
    "Sua barata, nojenta e malvada."
  • In which situations can we use "That felt good."? Make sentences !
    "I was pulling my mask, ripping it off, and I got a good breath and that felt good."
  • What does "That felt good" mean?
    that feels good: that is a pleasant sensation; that gives a positive impression.
  • The sentence: "Look who's here" is used for what situation?
    When you see someone you know, mainly when it's been a long time no seen.
  • Make a sentence using: "not worth it".
    If it's not fun, then it's not worth it. / It's not worth the effort.
  • What's the meaning of "got worse"?
    to deteriorate in quality or condition, to become more serious