
FCE Practice

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  • Speak for 1 minute about an enjoyable holiday you went on
    Very good/Terrible
  • I always shop online because I get better VALUE/WORTH for money
  • KWT: It's a shame I arrived late at the party. // TURNED // I wish _________ late to the party.
    I hadn't turned up
  • Today's technology could _________ manufacturers to produce what may become known as 'functional' foods. (ABLE)
  • I'm sorry, but you are _________ late to join this year's language course
  • I've never COMMITTED/DONE a crime in my life.
  • KWT: I only went to Dan's party because you were going. // NOT // I _________ to Dan's party if you hadn't been going.
    would not have gone
  • Some of the frogs are _________ small that they fit onto a coin or fingernail.
  • You have _________ Monday morning to hand in your essay.
  • Give 3 transformations of the word 'REGULAR'
    irregular, regularly, regularity, irregularity...etc
  • Talk for 1 minute about one of the apps on your mobile phone.
    Excellent/I've heard better
  • My dad and his brother spent a lot of _________ teenage years riding around on skateboards
  • Teachers actively encourage us to use our phones when they think it will be _________ to us. (BENEFIT)
  • Talk for 1 minute about a photo you recently took
    Amazing/Was that it?!
  • Speak for one minute about a TV series you like
    Very good/Terrible
  • It isn't safe to swim _________ the water here.
  • KWT: I must get a haircut this week. // NEEDS // My _________ this week.
    hair needs cutting
  • I was born _________ 7am. _________ Friday 23 December _________ 2004.
    at, on, in
  • KWT: "It was me that ate the last piece of cake." Sam said. // ADMITTED // Sam _________ the last piece of cake
    admitted (to) eating
  • Did you see on the news that someone ROBBED/STOLE the bank we use?