
E. Adj

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  • This piece of pizza is really small, isn't it?
    Small? It's tiny!
  • Was your boss angry about the problem?
    Angry? He was furious!
  • The feet of that basketball player are big, aren't they?
    Big? They're gigantic!
  • Are the pyramids in Egypt old?
    Old? They're ancient!
  • Did you think that Ocho Apellidos Vascos was funny?
    Funny? It was hilarious!
  • Our hotel room sure was dirty.
    Dirty? It was filthy!
  • Don't you think Zac's dog is ugly?
    Ugly? It's hideous!
  • María's new dress is very pretty.
    Pretty? It's gorgeous!
  • That chocolate dessert was good.
    Good? It was fantastic!
  • Were you tired after the exam?
    Tired? I was exhausted!
  • I can't believe how clean her apartment was.
    Clean? It was spotless!