
The Genie and the pots

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  • What's the genie new rule for the magic pot?
    SHARE the food with the villagers
  • Does the man SHARE the food?
    No, he doesn't. He eats alone in his kitcken-
  • Where does the story happens?
    In the desert
  • What's the MORAL story?
    Always SHARE with other people.
  • Where do the beans fall down?
    The beans fall down into a WELL.
  • What can the magic pot do?
    It can DO any food you want.
  • Does the old woman apologize?
    Yes, she does. She says she's hungry
  • What can the SECOND magic pot DO?
    It can FIND the thief.
  • What happen at the end of the story?
    He makes a FEAST and INVITES all the villagers.
  • HOW does the magic pot FIND the thief?
    It JUMPS OUT the man's hands and lands on the woman's head,
  • WHY does the old woman steal the magic pot?
    BECAUSE she's hungry
  • Does the man feel sorry for the woman?
    No, he doesn't. He just wants his magic pot back to have dinner alone.
  • What kind of story is this?
    A FANTASY story
  • What does the genie ask the man?
    Do you share the dinner/food with the thief?
  • Who appear? What does he GIVE the man?
    A genie. He gives him a MAGIC POT.