
Millenials test

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  • What was that used for ?
    A)Play music / B) As a freebie / C) To display photos
  • What's this for?
    A) To toast a sandwich / B) To squeeze an orange / C) To take some salad
  • How we used to call these ?
    A) FriendPoke / B) Roblox / C) BuddyPoke
  • What's this?
    A) A tiny telephone / B) Camera film / C) Camera battery
  • What's is this for?
    It's a can opener
  • What were these used for?
    A) public newspapers / B) Telephones / C) It's a men's bathroom
  • Guess what's inside
    A) a sewing machine / B) an old radio / C) a mixer
  • What was this used for?
    A) as a radio / B) control the house temperature / C) as a remote control
  • What would you use this for?
    A) To recline an armchair / B) To open a window / C) To change the car gear
  • What did we keep inside these containers?
    A) Pills / B) Sewing thread / C) Photographic Film
  • What's this?
    A) a speaker / B) walkie-talkie / C) emergencial public telephone