
Review Basic 1

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  • How do you go home? (Complete answer)
    I go home by motorcycle.
  • How do you go to work? (Complete answer)
    I go to work by car.
  • How do you go to school? (Complete answer)
    I go to school by bus.
  • What's the negative? - Take the train to the pharmacy.
    Don't take the train to the pharmacy.
  • How do you go to school? (Complete answer)
    I go to school by taxi.
  • What's the affirmative? - Don't take the bus to school.
    Take the bus to school.
  • What's the negative? - Take a taxi.
    Don't take a taxi.
  • How do you go home? (Complete answer)
    I go home by subway.
  • What's the affirmative? - Don't drive to the restaurant.
    Drive to the restaurant.
  • How do you go to school? (Complete answer)
    I go to school by bycicle.
  • How do you go to work? (Complete answer)
    I go to work by moped.