
Tier II The Storm

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  • What could make you walk with a limp?
    hurting your foot, spraining your ankle, etc.
  • Name a valiant character from Star Wars.
    Luke Skywalker
  • What does "prefer" mean?
    To like something better than the other choices.
  • What is the typical way you get home from school?
    Walk, Car Rider-answers will vary
  • What is a good response to "thank you".
    You're welcome.
  • A magician never reveals his secrets. What does that mean?
    He never tells anyone how he does his magic tricks.
  • What is hail?
    large balls of ice that fall to the ground during a storm
  • Is this sentence correct?: If you find a wallet on the sidewalk, the noble thing to do is take the money out and keep it.
    NO!! The noble thing to do is return the wallet to it's owner.
  • What is something that can really distract someone when they are driving?
    Their phone
  • Name a type of severe weather.
    Tornado, Hurricane, Tsunami