
Comparative and Superlative Sentences

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  • He won the award because he was the _____ swimmer. (good)
    He won the award because he was the BEST swimmer.
  • Make a sentence (heavy)
    The hammer is the heaviest object.
  • Make a sentence (big)
    The lion is the biggest animal.
  • Make a sentence (happy)
    The cat is the happiest.
  • Make a sentence (dangerous)
    The lion is the most dangerous animal.
  • Make a sentence (fast)
    The plane is the fastest vehicle.
  • Make a sentence (sad)
    The boy is the saddest.
  • The temperature was over 100 degrees. It was the ______ day ever! (hot)
    It was the HOTTEST day ever!
  • Make a sentence (young)
    The baby is the youngest.
  • When I did well on the test, I was happy. My teacher was even _____and my parents were _________. (happy)
    My teacher was even HAPPIER and my parents were HAPPIEST.
  • That movie was so awful! It wasn't just bad, it was the _____ movie ever. (bad)
    It wasn't just bad, it was the WORST movie ever.
  • Make a sentence (slow)
    The bike is the slowest vehicle.
  • Make a sentence (good)
    The drawing of the girl is the best.
  • Make a sentence (dangerous)
    The spider is the most dangerous animal.
  • Make a sentence (tall)
    The giraffe is the talles animal.
  • My Dad is fast but my brother is even ______ and my mom is the _______.
    My Dad is fast but my brother is even FASTER and my mom is the FASTEST.
  • Make a sentence (old)
    The old lady/grandma is the oldest.
  • A baby tiger is dangerous but an adult tiger is even _______ dangerous.
    A baby tiger is dangerous but an adult tiger is even MORE dangerous.
  • Make a sentence (bad)
    The first drawing is the worst.
  • The one on the left is beautiful. The one in the middle is even _____ beautiful and the one on the right is the _____ beautiful.
    The one in the middle is even MORE beautiful and the one on the right is the MOST beautiful.