
Qualities of a Friend

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  • Why is Empathy an important quality in a friend?
  • why is it important for a friend to be open minded?
    Great Answer!
  • What does it mean to respect others belongings?
    To take good care of others people things
  • Someone who feel bad when others are going though a rough time has this quality?
  • Someone who understands how people feel has this quality?
  • What does it mean to be reliable? and why is this important in a friend?
    To do what you say you will do
  • Someone who doesn't hurt others on purpose has this quality
  • Someone who treats everyone as though they are valuable member of the community has this quality
  • someone who is willing to try new things has this quality
    open minded
  • Someone who follows the rules and treats everyone equally has this quality?
  • Someone who appreciates what they have, including their friendship has this quality
  • Someone who shares without wanting something in return is
  • what is sympathetic? what is empathetic?
    Sympathy is to feel bad for others and empathy is to understand
  • Someone who tells the truth has this quality?
  • someone who is willing to let go of the past hurts in order to help the relationship has this quality?
  • Why is it important to be honest with your friends?
    Great Answer!
  • someone who makes others feel good when they are around has this quality
  • What does it mean to be encouraging? and can you give an example
    Use words or actions to help others do their best or try new things: Example- "way to go" " don't give up", give someone a thumbs up or high five
  • Someone who works with others and not against them has this quality?
  • What does it mean to respect someone's personal space?
    Don't touch or crowd them (personal bubble)
  • Why is it important for a friend to be Peaceful( doesn't like to fight or have drama)?
  • someone who is willing to talk and listen to others has this quality?
    Able to communicate
  • Name a time that you were thankful for someone or something
    Great Job
  • Explain a time that you were/ or a friend was generous
  • Someone who thinks about how others feel and does nice things or says nice things to make them feel better has this quality?
  • Someone who is able to keep secrets, keep their word and tells the truth has this quality?