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  • Will a plastic spoon be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • Find 3 things in the room you're in that your magnet WILL NOT stick to.
    __________, ______________, _____________
  • Will a foam craft shape be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • Will a balloon be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • T or F: all magnets have a magnetic field
    TRUE! The magnetic field is what pulls/pushes objects!
  • Will a cotton ball be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • T or F: Magnets can move objects WITHOUT touching them
    TRUE! If a magnet is strong enough, it can attract objects from a distance.
  • T or F - Magnets come in different shapes and sizes?
  • What is the force of magnets called?
  • Will a craft stick be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • Will a nickel be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • Will a penny be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • Will a bolt be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • Will a Styrofoam heart be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • Will a paperclip be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • What was the very first magnetic rock found?
    Loadstone or magnetite
  • Name 3 things ATTRACTED to magnets?
    ___________, ______________, ______________
  • When you sprinkle iron shavings around a magnet what does it reveal?
    It reveals the magnet's magnetic field.
  • Will a sponge be ATTRACTED to a magnet?
    Let's find out!
  • T or F: Magnets help us in everyday life