
Size of the Problem

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  • You fell off of your scooter and your elbow is bleeding. What is the size of the problem?
  • Give an example of a medium sized problem. 
    Great Answer!
  • You spill a little water on your desk at school. What is the size of the problem?
  • There is a huge fire at the school! What is the size of the problem?
  • Your pencil broke while you were finishing up your homework. What is the size of the problem?
  • Give an example of a big problem. 
    Great Answer!
  • Yes or No: A small problem can be fixed on your own or with a friend
    True! A small problem is easy to solve
  • You accidentally broke your brother's favorite toy. What is the size of the problem?
  • You accidentally dropped a glass in the kitchen and it broke into many pieces. What is the size of the problem?
  • You raised your hand, but your teacher didn't call on you. What is the size of the problem?
    Small problem
  • You have a runny nose and a tummy ache. You really don't feel well enough to go to school. What is the size of the problem?
  • You want to ride bikes with your friend, but he's out of town this weekend. What is the size of the problem?
  • Yes or No: A medium problem requires emergency responders, like firefighters or an ambulance
    No! A medium problem can be solved with a grown up's help
  • Someone keeps calling you names at recess. You've asked them to stop but they won't leave you alone. What is the size of the problem?
    Medium problem
  • You're playing a game with your friend, but your friend plays with different rules. What is the size of the problem?
  • You get to school but realize you left your backpack in your mom's car! What is the size of the problem?
    Medium problem
  • Someone is making fun of your friend! You've tried asking them to stop, but they won't leave your friend alone. What's the size of the problem?
  • You are in speech and Miss Sabrina doesn't pick your favorite game. What is the size of the problem?
  • Give an example of a small problem.
    Great Answer!
  • You and your sister both want to eat the last cupcake. What is the size of the problem?
  • Yes or No: It is okay to call 911 when your sister takes your snacks
    No! 911 is for big emergencies only