
Bees, Bee

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  • What is a house of a bee called?
  • Do bees have hair ?
  • Do bees make honey?
    Yes, they do!
  • Do bees live underground ?
    Yes, some do.
  • True or False: Bees are special because they look like they have yellow balloons on their legs.
  • How do honeybees move?
    They fly.
  • True or False: Bees have a special dance to show there are lots of flowers.
  • Are bees insects?
    YES !
  • Why are bees important?
    They help new flowers to grow.
  • Are there different types of bees?
    Yes, queen bees, drone bees, worker bees, bumble bees, honey bees...
  • How long do bees live?
    6 or 7 years
  • Why do bees attack?
    Because they are frightened and angry
  • What is the name of a baby bee?
    1 Larva .....2,3,4 + larvae
  • What is the name of a child bee?
  • Which animals attack bees?