
so that or such that

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  • The particles are (so small / such small) that they burn up before they reach Earth
    so small
  • Shames is (so / such) a nice dog that he never barks.
  • Our neighbors are (so / such) kind that they let us borrow their lawn mower.
  • The comet has (so large wake / such a large wake) that it passes through Earth's upper atmosphere every year.
    such a large wake
  • I am (so / such) bored that I just want to sleep.
  • Scientists consider this (so unique opportunity / such a unique opportunity) that they are flying in aircraft to study it.
    such a unique opportunity
  • The passing of the comet Swift-Tuttle is (so rare occurrence / such a rare occurrence) that it only comes every 133 years.
    such a rare occurrence
  • The burning bits of dust and debris, "shooting stars", appear (so frequently / such frequently) that you can see two or three a minute.
    so frequently
  • Those are (so / such) great pictures that I never want to throw them away.
  • A meteor storm is (so big threat / such a big threat / so much big threat) to satellites that they have to be moved or turned away from the storm.
    such a big threat
  • Jimmy and Ken are (so / such) alike that I can't tell one from another.
  • There were several clouds in the sky. There were (such many clouds / so many clouds) in the sky that we couldn't see much.
    so many clouds
  • I spend (so / such) much money that I can't save any.
  • It was (such a cloudy night / so much cloudy night) that we couldn't see much.
    such a cloudy night
  • Hawaii has (so / such) amazing beaches that everyone wants to live there.
  • My back aches (so / such) badly that I can't lift anything anymore.
  • The meteor particles move (so fast / such fast) that they become bullets in space.
    so fast
  • These observations will reveal (so much important information / such much important information) that scientists will be studying results for years.
    so much important information