
0427 指考班

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  • She's hoping the course will ______________ 她希望這門課能改善自己的事業前景。
    She's hoping the course will improve her career prospects.
  • 此疾病症狀包括高燒和持續的乾咳。 Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and ______________
    Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.
  • 學生們被要求進行/從事簡單的實驗。 Students are required to ___________.
    Students are required to undertake simple experiments.
  • I'll have to _____________ 我必須把這條裙子放長一些。
    I'll have to lengthen this skirt.
  • Two __________ stood outside the station, begging for money. 兩個衣衫襤褸的孩子站在車站外乞討。
    Two ragged children stood outside the station, begging for money.
  • I tried to ____________ when she told me her age. 她告訴我她的年齡時,我盡力掩飾自己的驚訝。
    I tried to conceal my surprise when she told me her age.
  • 總裁利用手中的否決權,推翻了委員會的決定。The president used his veto to _________________.
    The president used his veto to override the committee's decision.
  • The workers chose to____________ in a series of strikes. 工人決定藉一連串罷工來表達他們的不滿。
    The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes.
  • We were __________ to finish the work in a satisfactory way. 我們有義務圓滿地完成工作。
    We were under obligation to finish the work in a satisfactory way.
  • Local residents claimed that the noise was ____________. 當地居民稱這種噪音令社會大眾覺得煩人。(造成...)
    Local residents claimed that the noise was causing a public nuisance.
  • He ____________________. 他懇求得到寬恕。
    He made a plea for mercy.
  • It _______ the whole afternoon. 整個下午冰雹下個不停。
    It hailed the whole afternoon.
  • It rained the first day but ______________ was fine. 旅行中第一天下了雨,不過其餘的日子天氣都很好。
    It rained the first day but the remainder of the trip was fine.
  • 我因為把他的名字弄錯犯了個大錯。I _____ by getting his name wrong.
    I made a major blunder by getting his name wrong.
  • Since it was her ____________ stealing, she was given a less severe sentence. 由於她是初次犯盜竊罪,對她的量刑不是很重。
    Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence.