
Personal Finance Chapter 3 and 4 Partial

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  • This type of insurance helps pay for doctor and hospital visits.
    Medical/Health Insurance
  • This type of investment involves a pool of money collected from a group of investors to purchase many types of stocks
    Mutual Funds
  • This type of insurance pays for care for a person who can no longer live on their own.
    Long-term Care Insurance
  • True or False: You should find a job that you hate and are not good at, even if it pays really well.
  • True or False: You should share your Social Security number with friends.
  • This type of investment involves a loan to a government or company which will pay interest as a return to the investor.
  • This type of insurance helps pays for damages to a home.
    Home insurance
  • This type of insurance gives a payment to family members when the policyholder dies.
    Life insurance
  • What is the type of tax paid to the federal government to pay for a basic monthly income to senior citizens?
    Social Security Tax
  • True of False: You will get your medicare and social security taxes back in your tax return.
  • This type of insurance helps pay for damages to a car and/or person in a car accident.
    Car/Auto Insurance
  • True or False: Benefits are non-wage compensation, such as insurance and retirement plans.
  • This type of investment represents small pieces of ownership in a company.
  • What is another term for pay usually calculated by the hour?
  • True or False: Having a college degree will guarantee you a high paying job
  • The full amount of your pay is called
    Gross Pay
  • This term refers to the illegal use of someone's personal information
    Identity Theft
  • True or False: Withholdings are income taxes taken from your paycheck?
  • What is the acronym for medicare and social security deductions from your paycheck?
  • This payment is the monthly fee for insurance coverage.
  • What is also called "net pay"
    Take-home pay
  • True or False: The US has a progressive income tax system.
  • This type of insurance pays a monthly income to a person who is injured and can no longer work for a period of time.
    Disability Insurance
  • What is the type of deduction from your paycheck that pays for medical costs for citizens over 65?
  • This payment is the part a person pays before the insurance company pays.
  • What is an agreement in which a policyholder transfers the risk for potential financial losses to another party in exchange for a fee
  • This term refers to the increase of prices for goods and services, usually caused by the rapid growth of the money supply.