
Tier 2 Vocabulary Using Context Clues - Middle S ...

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  • A tattoo is a permeant drawing on your body. What does permanent mean? Can you think of an antonym?
    Lasting forever. Antonym: temporary.
  • My brother is addicted to playing Fortnite. He played for 10 hours straight on Saturday. What does addicted mean in this sentence? What is something else you can be addicted to?
    Addicted means to be dependent or devoted to a particular activity or thing
  • My cat snuck into my room at night because I left the door ajar. What does ajar mean?
  • I am boycotting Amazon for mistreating employees. I will shop at Target, Walmart, and the mall more often instead of buying items from Amazon. What does boycott mean?
    It means to stop using, buying, or dealing with a person or company as an expression of protest.
  • I was nervous for my date so I asked my mom for advice. She said "Just be your authentic self. Guys do not like girls who are fake." What does authentic mean in this sentence?
    In this sentence authentic means real.
  • My mother caught me trying to steal cookies from the cookie jar and condemned by behavior by shaking her head "no". Does condemned mean to approve or disapprove?
  • The teacher asked us to line up in chronological order based on our ages. Since I am the youngest, I stood in the front. What does chronological mean?
    starting with the earliest and following the order in which they occurred.
  • I work at a restaurant and make money from tips I receive. I make approximately $250 every night. If we are busy, I usually make more. What does approximately mean?
    A guess, about, not completely accurate
  • She began to cry after reading the derogatory comments about her online. What does derogatory mean?
    Mean, hurtful, harsh
  • I could tell by her demeanor that she is upset. What does demeanor mean?
    outward behavior
  • After I threw a snowball at my brother, he screamed "Stop! You're irritating me!" What do you think irritate means? Can you use it in your own sentence?
    Irritate means to annoy.
  • The speeding car stopped abruptly to avoid hitting the child. What does abruptly mean?
    Suddenly, quickly.