
Review units 1-20

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  • Who's your favorite singer?
    My favorite singer is ...
  • How did they transform the oil drums into a steel pan?
    They transformed it by hitting it hard with a hammer to make a round shape, then gently.
  • What did they use to invent the steel drum?
    They used oil pans and hammers.
  • How did the people in Trinidad & Tobago make music at first?
    At first, by hitting different kind of metal objects.
  • What kind of music do you like best?
    I like ... best.
  • Is the island known for its interesting music?
    Yes, it is.
  • What's the name of the instrument on the video?
    Steel drums or Pan
  • When was the steel pan invented?
    It was invented in the 20th Century.
  • What is Trinidad and Tobago?
    It is an island in the Caribbean.
  • Sing a song you dislike.
  • Why is Trinidad & Tobago well-known for?
    For its beautiful beaches, relaxed lifestyle and interesting music.
  • Why are steel drums important?
    Because they're made in Trinidad and it's part of their culture.
  • Where was the steel pan invented?
    It was invented in Trinidad and Tobago.
  • What instrument would you like to play?
    I would like to play ...
  • What kind of music does your parents like?
    My parents like ...
  • What kinds of music do steel bands play?
    Many different kinds of music, like rock, pop and classical.