
TB | 4B - Reach Higher Purple | Island Observati ...

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  • What species did Dr. Christy Finlayson notice living in the golden crownbeard plants?
    He noticed that there are many insects living in them.
  • What are two native seabirds of Midway Atoll?
    Albatross chicks and The Bonin petrel
  • What problem does the plant crownbeard bring to the Bonin petrels?
    The plant prevents Bonin petrels from digging their burrows.
  • What are the three species of nonnative ants on golden crownbeard?
    They are crazy ants, tropical fire ants, and bigheaded ants.
  • What is an ECOLOGIST?
    A scientist who studies how organisms interact with their environments.
  • What happened when humans accidentally brought rats to the islands?
    The rats preyed on the birds, which almost disappeared.
  • What problem does the plant crownbeard bring to the albatross?
    This plant grows so thick that albatross have trouble walking.
  • How do albatrosses feed their babies?
    They regurgitate party eaten squid into their babies' mouths.
  • What happens when the golden crownbeard surrounds chicks in nests?
    Adult birds may be unable to find them. The chicks can become trapped in the plant's stems and can stare.
  • What is the connection among the goldren crownbeard, the ants and the treehoppers?
    The golden crownbeard provides food to treehoppers. The treehoppers provide food for the ants.