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  • Yo voy a reciclar
    I'm going to recycle
  • Ella va a reutilizar cajas viejas
    She is going to reuse old boxes
  • Tú no vas a tomar un baño
    You aren't going to have a bath
  • Ella no va a malgastar papel
    She isn't going to waste paper
  • Él va a apagar la luz
    He is going to turn off the light
  • Yo voy a ahorrar agua
    I'm going to save water
  • Vosotros vais a reducir plástico
    You are going to reduce plastic
  • Nosotros no vamos a tirar basura
    We aren't going to throw rubbish
  • Ellos van a caminar
    Thery are going to walk
  • Ella no va a malgastar agua
    She isn't going to waste water
  • Tú vas a cuidar de los animales
    You are going to take care of animals
  • Él va a ducharse
    He is going to have a shower
  • Ella va a montar en bici
    She is going to ride the bike
  • Él va a utilizar la papelera
    He is going to use the bin
  • Ellos van a ahorrar energía
    They are going to save energy
  • Tú vas a plantar semillas
    You are going to plant seeds
  • Ellos van a usar botellas reutilizables
    They are going to use reusable bottles
  • Ellos no van a utilizar el coche siempre
    They aren't going to use the car always
  • Tú no vas a malgastar energía
    You aren't going to waste energy
  • Nosotros vamos a usar bolsas reutilizables
    We are going to use reusable bags
  • Él va a cerrar el grifo
    He is going to turn off the tap
  • Vosotros no vais a usar bolsas de plástico
    You aren't going to use plastic bags