
1st Term

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  • SOLVE THIS RIDDLE: I am paper's enemy. Keep me away from small children. You use me in art class. I can change the style of your hair. Please don't run with me in your hands.
  • What time is it?
    Half past three
  • What time is it?
    Quarter to twelve
  • Re-order these letters to reveal the name of a sport: GCCYILN. You have 90 seconds.
  • What time is it?
    Five to seven
  • Which outdoor sport involves a club, a ball and holes in the ground?
  • What time is it?
    Twenty past four
  • SOLVE THIS RIDDLE: Please blow air in me. I come in many colours. I'm a symbol of celebration. Don't touch me with anything sharp. I only last a day or two.
  • How many kilometres are ran in a marathon: 36, 75, 42, 51?
  • What colour do leaves turn when they're dead?
  • What's the name of the undead creatures we dress up as in Halloween?
  • What is the month BEFORE Autumn starts?
  • What sport is this?
    Ice hockey
  • What is a Jack-O-Lantern?
    A carved pumpkin
  • RIDDLE: What disappears when you say its name?
  • During Halloween, children go door to door saying:
    Trick or treat!