
Interior and Exterior Angles in Polygons

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  • Find the measure of the exterior angle
    75 degrees
  • Find the interior angle of the polygon
    70 degrees
  • Find the measure of the interior angles
    150 degrees
  • Read.
    No, it's 5 degrees short.
  • Find the measure of the exterior angle
    110 degrees
  • Find the sum of the interior angles in the polygon
    1,800 degrees
  • What is an 8-sided shape called?
  • Find the sum of the interior angles of the polygon
    360 degrees
  • The sum of all exterior angles ALWAYS equals....
    360 degrees
  • Find the sum of the interior angles of this shape.
    360 degrees
  • Find the sum of the interior angles of the polygon
    900 degrees
  • What is the formula to find the sum of the interior angles of a polygon?
    (n-2) x 180
  • Find the measure of the interior angle
    43 degrees
  • Name the shape
  • Find the sum of the interior angles of this polygon
    720 degrees
  • Find the sum of the interior angles of the polygon
    1,260 degrees