
Parallel Structure

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  • "You can take the car. You can go there by train." Combine the sentences.
    You can take the car or go there by train.
  • "Avatars can also attend conferences, art shows and there are concerts." Correct the sentence.
    Avatars can also attend conferences, art shows and concerts.
  • "When the boys finish their homework, they usually sleep, surf the internet or watch TV." Is the sentence correct or incorrect?
  • What is the function of conjunction AND?
    To provide additional information or combine same ideas into one
  • "We can swim in the beach. We can hike in the mountain."
    We can swim in the beach or hike in the mountain.
  • "After working, I usually take a bath or browsing the internet." Correct or incorrect?
  • "Perdita and Pam have two dogs. They also have three cats. There are two gold fish in their pool." Combine the sentences into one.
    Perdita and Pam have two dogs, three cats and two gold fish.
  • Tom ran, ___ he still missed the bus.
  • What is the function of conjunction OR?
    To show alternatives or options.
  • "Mom was not surprised. She didn't expect it." Combine the sentences.
    Mom was not surprised, but didn't expect it.
  • What is the function of conjunction BUT?
    To combine two different ideas into one.
  • I speak English, ___ I haven't gone to England.
  • Would you like meat ____ vegetables for lunch?
  • "My head hurts. Also, my stomach hurts." Combine the sentences.
    My head and stomach hurt.
  • Either you confess but you staying here. Your choice." Correct or incorrect?
  • "You have to choose one of these, cheese and butter." Is the sentence correct or incorrect?