
Book Scavenger hunt

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  • Find a book in another language.
  • Find a character eating in a book.
  • Find a book about a place.
  • Find a book in which the protagonist is a superhero.
  • Find a book about nature.
  • Find a book with witches and wizards.
  • Find a book that makes you laugh.
  • Find a book about Ancient Rome.
  • Find a book with dinosaurs in it.
  • Find a book you really want to read.
  • Find a book with animals in it.
  • Find a book with a dragon in it.
  • Find a book with 300 or more pages.
  • Find a character with a pet in a book.
  • Find a book about adventures.
  • Find a book about the ocean.
  • Find a book you have read twice.
  • Find a book with a treasure chest in it.