
Decoding Skills

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  • What sound does the spelling "-y" make?
    Long I
  • What sound does the spelling "oa" make?
    Long O
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: twine
    mine, nine, shine, dine, fine, line, ...
  • Put the letter sounds together to read the word: w-ai-s-t
  • What sound does the spelling "ee" make?
    Long E
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: quack
    back, black, snack, Jack, ...
  • How many letter sounds are there in this word? shrank
    5 (sh-r-a-n-k)
  • How many letter sounds are there in this word? toast
    4 (t-oa-s-t)
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: frump
    bump, jump, lump, hump, dump, thump, ...
  • What sound does the spelling "a_e" make?
    Long A
  • Look for 2 small words in this big word: backstreet
    back + street
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: snore
    more, chore, bore, store, ...
  • Put the letter sounds together and say the word. h-a_e-z
  • Put the sounds together and say the word: w-ou-n-d
  • What sound does the spelling "-/-y" make?
    Long E
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: flew
    new, few, stew, chew, grew, ...
  • Look for a small word inside this big word: flask
  • Look for a small word inside this big word: fingertip
    "finger" or "tip"
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: glee
    see, bee, tree, free, three, knee, ...
  • Look for a small word inside this big word: stardom
  • Put these letter sounds together and say the word. s-t-r-o_e-k
  • Put the sounds in each syllable together then read the word: s-n-ee / z-y
    s-n-ee (snee) / z-y (zy), sneezy
  • Look for a small word inside this big word... ditch
    it, itch
  • Put the sounds in each syllable together, then say the word: sh-a / d-ow
    sh-a- (sha) / d-ow (dow), shadow
  • Put the sounds together and say the word: g-l-i_e-d
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: slash
    cash, bash, crash, trash, splash, smash...
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: squish
    fish, wish, dish, swish, ...
  • Think of a word that looks the same as: nook
    book, look, took, cook, ...
  • Look for a small word inside this big word: changeling
  • Look for two small words inside this big word... snowboard
    snow + board