
Industrial Revolution

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  • How did the Agricultural Revolution help lead to the Industrial Revolution?
    Improvements in technology, more people move to city = more labor, more/better food = people live longer (more people)
  • Name 1 cause of the Industrial Revolution (there are 8 total)
    I'll let you know :)
  • How were the wealthy and middle class impacted by the Industrial Revolution?
    They became factory owners and land owner -- got richer
  • The industrial revolution led to reforms of workers rights, housing, public health. Give 1 example of these reforms.
    I'll let you know :)
  • How did the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution lead to the Industrial Revolution
    encouraged people to apply new scientific ways of thinking to technology -- new inventions
  • Name 1 cause of the Industrial Revolution (there are 8 total)
    I'll let you know :)
  • Name 1 cause of the Industrial Revolution (there are 8 total)
    I'll let you know :)
  • The industrial revolution led to reforms of workers rights, housing, public health. Give 1 example of these reforms.
    I'll let you know :)
  • Name 1 cause of the Industrial Revolution (there are 8 total)
    I'll let you know :)
  • How were children impacted by the Industrial Revolution?
    child labor!! :(
  • What was the Industrial Revolution about?
    increase in factories and therefore manufacturing and production of goods
  • Name 1 cause of the Industrial Revolution (there are 8 total)
    I'll let you know :)
  • Name 1 geographic feature of Great Britain that made it an ideal place for the start of the Industrial Revolution
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • name 1 natural resource that Great Britain had that made it an ideal place for the Industrial Revolution to start
    Coal, iron, rivers
  • The industrial revolution led to reforms of workers rights, housing, public health. Give 1 example of these reforms.
    I'll let you know :)
  • How were the working poor impacted by the Industrial Revolution?
    job availability however was very brutal/harsh working conditions with little pay
  • Name 1 geographic feature of Great Britain that made it an ideal place for the start of the Industrial Revolution
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • How were the colonies of Great Britain impacted by the Industrial Revolution?
    Exploitation - slavery, unfair taxation, killing native peoples etc.
  • If you were to write an ACE paragraph to this question, what EVIDENCE would you provide: "How did the Industrial Revolution impact labor?"
    I'll let you know :)
  • Name 1 geographic feature of Great Britain that made it an ideal place for the start of the Industrial Revolution
    I'll let you know if you got it :)
  • Name 1 cause of the Industrial Revolution (there are 8 total)
    I'll let you know :)
  • Name 1 cause of the Industrial Revolution (there are 8 total)
    I'll let you know :)
  • The industrial revolution mostly took place in Great Britain and later the United States. How were other countries or regions involved in the Industrial Revolution?
    Other countries/regions were used by Britain to gain resources and exploit people
  • If you were to write an ACE paragraph to this question, what EVIDENCE would you provide: "What is the most significant reason why the industrial revolution began in Great Britain?
    I'll let you know :)