
Ben Ten Feelings

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  • How does Ben Ten feel?
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    He is feeling excited.
  • How is Gwen feeling?
    SHE is feeling angry.
  • How is Charmcaster feeling?
    SHE is feeling angry at Michael Morningstar because he used her to defeat Ben.
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    He is feeling sick because he was inside an ice-cream truck and got a cold.
  • How is Gwen feeling?
    SHE is feeling sick because she feels too hot and sweaty.
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    HE is feeling scared/shocked.
  • How are they feeling?
    THEY are feeling disgusted.
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    He is feeling upset/sad.
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    He is feeling excited.
  • How is Gwen feeling?
    SHE is feeling angry/annoyed.
  • How are they feeling?
    THEY are feeling relaxed and calm.
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    He is feeling terrified.
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    He is feeling frustrated.
  • How is Ben10 feeling?
    He is feeling silly.