
Famous places in the city of Rome

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  • At Galleria Borghese you can find one of Bernini`s masterpieces. What is its name?
    Apollo und Daphne
  • You can choose your own pizza toppings at a traditional...
    pizza restaurant
  • This is the place where the mayor works
    Town hall
  • What do you have to do in the Trevi Fountain if you want to come back to Rome?
    You have to throw a coin into the fountain.
  • What is the name of this famous castle?
    Julius II Castle
  • At Villa Farnesina Rafael painted on the ceiling of the loggia or ground floor. How do you call this king of paintings in the airy space?
  • What is the name of the white lines at a crossroads?
    Pedestrian crossing
  • Who made this sculpture of Moses?
  • Which square was built on the site of a stadium and follows the form of the stadium?
    Navona Square
  • In Palazzo Massimo you can find a man resting. Who is he?
    A boxer
  • What is the name of this bridge?
    Angel Bridge
  • Where can you find these 135 steps?
    Spain Square
  • In Rome there is usually heavy traffic and cars must respect ...
    traffic lights
  • What is the name of the part of the street where people walk along?
  • Where did gladiators fight?
    At the Colosseum
  • Where did people get together in the ancient Rome?
    At the Forum
  • A decorative piece of art made from the assembling of small pieces of colored glass or stone. At Basilic of Santa Maria Trastevere you can find the best ones in Rome.