
Simple or Continuous?_Easy

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  • Что делают два поросёнка сейчас?
    What ARE two pigs DOING now?
    What DO two pigs DO now?
  • Акула завтракает сейчас? - Да.
    IS the shark HAVING breakfast now? - Yes, IT IS.
    DOES the shark HAVE breakfast now? - Yes, IT DOES.
  • Крокодил не одет в пиджак сейчас.
    The crocodile ISN'T WEARING a jacket now.
    The crocodile DOESN'T WEAR a jacket now.
  • Он не всегда приходит в школу вовремя.
    He ISN'T always COMING to school in time.
    He DOESN'T always COME to school in time.
  • Лиза регулярно плавает с дельфином.
    Lisa regularly SWIMS with a dolphin.
    Lisa IS regularly SWIMMING with a dolphin.
  • На собаке надета маска сейчас? - Да.
    Is the dog wearing a mask now? - Yes, it is.
    Does the dog wear a mask now? - Yes, it does.
  • Она не хочет читать книги каждый день.
    She DOESN'T WANT to read books every day.
    She ISN'T WANTING to read books every day.
  • Она никогда не делает ошибок.
    She never MAKES mistakes.
    She IS never MAKING mistakes.
  • Тигры часто едят мороженое? - Иногда.
    Do tigers often eat ice cream? - Sometimes.
    Are tigers often eating ice cream? - Sometimes.
  • Дождь не идет часто в пустыне Сахара.
    It DOESN'T often RAIN in the Sahara desert.
    It ISN'T often RAINING in the Sahara desert.
  • Собака иногда носит рубашку? - Да.
    DOES the dog sometimes WEAR a shirt? - Yes, it DOES.
    IS the dog sometimes WEARING a shirt? - Yes, it IS.
  • В Африке идет снег сейчас? - Да.
    DOES it SNOW in Africa now? - Yes, it DOES.
    IS it SNOWING in Africa now? - Yes, it IS.
  • Они не плавают в море сейчас.
    They ARE NOT SWIMMING in the sea now.
    They DON'T SWIM in the sea now.
  • Мартышка часто играет в компьютерные игры.
    The monkey is often playing computer games.
    The monkey often plays computer games.
  • Мальчики часто носят юбки? - Нет.
    ARE boys often WEARING skirts? - No, they AREN'T.
    DO boys often WEAR skirts? - No, they DON'T.
  • Что носит мишка каждый день? - Она носит юбку.
    What IS the bear WEARING every day? She IS WEARING a skirt.
    What DOES the bear WEAR every day? - She WEARS a skirt.
  • Он делает утреннюю зарядку сейчас.
    He DOES his morning exercises now.
    He IS DOING his morning exercises now.
  • Эта собака часто собирает грибы осенью.
    This dog is often picking mushrooms in autumn.
    This dog often pick mushrooms in autumn.
  • Я не ем рыбу сейчас.
    I DON'T EAT fish now.
    I AM NOT EATING fish now.
  • Бегемотиха всегда танцует утром.
    The hippo IS always DANCING in the morning.
    The hippo always DANCES in the morning.
  • Во сколько обезьяна обычно обедает?
    What time IS the monkey usually HAVING lunch?
    What time DOES the monkey usually HAVE lunch?
  • Как часто идет дождь в Лондоне?
    How often IS it RAINING in London?
    How often DOES it RAIN in London?
  • Что лягушка носит сейчас? - Лягушка носит шляпу.
    What DOES the frog WEAR now? - The frog WEARS a hat now.
    What IS the frog WEARING now? - The frog IS WEARING a hat.
  • Слон плавает под водой сейчас.
    The elephant is swimming under the water now.
    The elephant swims under the water now.
  • Птицы всегда громко поют весной.
    Birds always sing loudly in spring.
    Birds are always singing loudly in spring.
  • Она играет со своим мишкой сейчас.
    She PLAYS with her teddy bear now.
    She IS PLAYING with her teddy bear now.
  • Что корова обычно носит зимой?
    What IS the cow usually WEARING in winter?
    What DOES the cow usually WEAR in winter?
  • Корова катается на коньках каждый день.
    The cow IS SKATING every day.
    The cow SKATES every day.
  • Девочки иногда носят брюки? - Да.
    DO girls sometimes WEAR trousers? - Yes, they DO.
    ARE girls sometimes WEARING trousers? - Yes, they DO.
  • Слон и мартышка не делают упражнения каждый день.
    The elephant and the monkey AREN'T DOING exercises.
    The elephant and the monkey DON'T DO exercises every day.
  • Кошка танцует сейчас.
    The cat dances now.
    The cat is dancing now.
  • Что ты обычно делаешь во сне? - Я обычно летаю.
    What DO you usually DO in your dreams? - I usually FLY.
    What ARE you usually DOING in your dreams? - I AM FLYING.
  • В Москве светит солнце сейчас? - Нет.
    IS the sun SHINING in Moscow now? - No, it ISN'T.
    DOES the sun SHINE in Moscow now? - No, it DOESN'T.
  • Что утка иногда носит?
    What IS the duck sometimes WEARING?
    What DOES the duck sometimes WEAR?
  • Что собака ест сейчас? - Она ест мяч.
    What DOES the dog EAT now? - It IS EATS a ball.
    What IS the dog EATING now? - It IS EATING a ball.
  • Дельфин и собака плавают в море сейчас.
    The dolphin and the dog swim in the sea now.
    The dolphin and the dog are swimming in the sea now.
  • Корова носит платье каждое воскресенье.
    The cow WEARS a dress every Sunday.
    The cow IS WEARING a dress every Sunday.
  • Во что конь одет сейчас? - Он одет в пальто.
    What DOES the horse WEAR now? - It WEARS a coat.
    What IS the horse WEARING now? - It IS WEARING a coat.
  • Обезьяна играет на пианино сейчас? - Да.
    IS the monkey PLAYING the pianow now? - Yes, it IS.
    DOES the monkey PLAY the pianow now? - Yes, it DOES.
  • Он не спит сейчас.
    He ISN'T SLEEPING now.
    He DOESN'T SLEEP now.
  • Где идет снег сейчас?
    Where DOES it SNOW now?
    Where IS it SNOWING now?
  • Кот обычно носит галстук.
    The cat IS usually WEARING a tie.
    The cat usually WEARS a tie.
  • На принцессе надета корона сейчас?
    DOES the princess WEAR a crown now? - Yes, she DOES.
    IS the princess WEARING a crown now? - Yes, she IS.
  • В Африке часто идет снег? - Нет.
    DOES it often SNOW in Africa? - No, it DOESN'T.
    IS it often SNOWING in Africa? - No, it ISN'T.
  • В Африке не идет снег сейчас.
    It DOESN'T snow in Africa now.
    It ISN'T SNOWING in Africa now.