
Part 2 CAE

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  • Wanda asked for a bank loan to set....... a consultancy business. (Phrasal Verb)
    set UP
  • There's an urgent need of fresh water in the region. (preposition)
    There's an urgent need FOR fresh water in the region.
  • Negotiations broke.... because of disagreements about trading arrangements. (Phrasal Verb)
    broke DOWN
  • The robbers made ......... with a large amount of money. (Phrasal Verb)
    made OFF with
  • Do you know ........... mobile phone this is? (PRONOUN)
  • The company always takes....... new staff for the summer period. (Phrasal Verb)
    takes ON
  • ........... the psychologist focuses on in his book is the the way people behave on trains. (PRONOUN)
  • That's the car ........ owner I was just telling you about. (PRONOUN)
  • All the work will be done _________ the volunteers.
    All the work will be done BY the volunteers.
  • A number of customers complained _________ the after-sales service.
    A number of customers complained ABOUT the after-sales service.
  • No one expected that the new fashion would catch....... as quickly as it has. (Phrasal Verb)
    catch ON
  • I must congratulate you for your excellent work. (Preposition)
    I must congratulate you ON your excellent work. (Preposition)
  • Have you seen the new advertisement of Lotus shampoo? (preposition)
    Have you seen the new advertisement FOR Lotus shampoo?
  • I met a footballer from our national team,............ I found very exciting. (PRONOUN)
  • I hope my letter will be taken in consideration. (Preposition)
    I hope my letter will be taken INTO consideration. (Preposition)
  • Students experienced a number of problems related ______ the broadband connection.
    Students experienced a number of problems related TO the broadband connection.
  • The lecturer speaks so fast- I can't keep .......... with her train of thought. (Phrasal Verb)
    keep UP with
  • Mark thinks there are problems in the contract and is dead set ........ us rejecting it. (Phrasal Verb)
    set ON
  • The inspector drew the management's attention in some problems. (preposition)
    The inspector drew the management's attention TO some problems
  • Final-year students told the freshers about everything .......... would help them settle into student life. (PRONOUN)
  • ............ was put forward to lead the team next meeting? (PRONOUN)
  • Many people took part to the anniversary festivities. (Preposition)
    Many people took part IN the anniversary festivities.
  • It was so noisy I couldn't make ........ what Jill was saying. (Phrasal Verb)
    make OUT
  • Many people don't have much money, just enough to get...... (Phrasal Verb)
    get BY
  • The professor was satisfied with the way in ......... the students had conducted themselves.
  • Katherine was able to make good use of her knowledge in foreign languages. (Preposition)
    Katherine was able to make good use of her knowledge OF foreign languages.
  • The noise in the library immediately put me ............. the idea of studying there. (Phrasal Verb)
    put me OFF