
Unit 8 - Why is space interesting? - 3rd grades

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  • The film is so ......... . I'm going to bed.
    a) bored b) boring c) interesting
  • What do astronauts need to wear when they do space walks?
  • All planets in our Solar system ........ the Sun.
  • When there is a thunderstorm he is always .......... .
    a) pleased b) frightened c) frightening
  • People who work in a laboratory and do experiments.
  • How often do you visit your grandparents?
    once a week - once a year - twice a month
  • What orbits the Earth once a month?
    The Moon
  • Astronauts can't walk in the space because there isn't any ....... .
  • The sky is dark at night but the stars are so ........ .
  • He woke up late. He dressed ... .. ..... and ran to school.
    in a hurry
  • He crashed into the door so now he has a big ....... on his head.
  • Astronauts work and live there. It orbits the Earth every 90 minutes.
    (International) Space Station
  • Tom is very ....... . He always makes a face when he doesn't like something.
  • There are eight ........ in our Solar system. Can you name any?
  • Astronauts train for space walks ........... .
  • How often do you go on vacations?
    once a year - twice a year - once a week
  • Astronauts don't walk in the Space Station. They ........ .
  • The children were very ......... on their 1st School day.
    a) exciting b) scared c) excited